Patrick's Design System


rgb(112, 60, 40)

rgb(1, 54, 89)

rgb(46, 88, 160)

rgb(85, 148, 160)

rgb(20, 0, 28)

rgb(209, 149, 131)



How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

How does the ocean say hi? It waves!


How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

Kumbh Sans

How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

How does the ocean say hi? It waves!


How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

How does the ocean say hi? It waves!

Text Styles

Strikethrough text

Superscript text

Subscript text